Appealing the God Lawsuit dismissal

In an earlier post, I talked about a lawsuit filed against God being thrown out since God was unable to be served.  The Omaha World-Herald reports about the appeal: LINCOLN — A God who is “all-knowing” should know when he’s being sued, even without...

And you thought NJ Justice was slow?

How would you like this system of justice?  In India, the New Delhi High Court has an estimated 466 YEARS of backlog.  Yes, that’s years and it’s not a typo.  And that is the backlog on criminal cases alone.  The court handles all types of cases, including...

Sue and Both Sides Lose

In most lawsuits, one side wins and the other loses (or there is a partial win).  But there are cases when the sides can’t settle, both of them lose. In 2006, a contractor working on a home in Cleveland, OH discovered $182,000 in depression era cash stashed in...