The Skills of Negotiating

Mediation at its core is about negotiating an agreement with the help of the mediator.  While the mediator is (or should be) an expert at negotiating, it is helpful for each of the parties to a mediation to understand basic negotiating skills. I generally do not talk...

Medical Malpractice Mediation

The University of Pittsburgh has one of the most prestigious medical schools as well as one of the finest hospitals in the US.  But even the best doctors and hospitals will find themselves as a target in a medical malpractice suit.  Showing why Pittsburgh remains...

The Disappearing Jury Trial

An article in the Maine Sunday Telegram brings up an interesting point about trials.  The trend at all levels in civil cases is that fewer and fewer cases are making it to trial and more and more are settling beforehand.  Of all the cases filed, depending on...

Mediation Podcast for Entrepreneurs

Colleague Ellen Malow, a mediator and arbitrator from Georgia, was featured on a podcast on start-up lounge (click on the link to listen).  On the podcast, which you can also listen to via your PC or Mac, Ms. Malow discusses arbitration and mediation in general terms...