Sanns ADR Services

Rich Rodriguez Settles with WVU

Following up on an earlier post, Rich Rodriguez, now the coach at University of Michigan, has come to a settlement with West Virginia University.    Rodriguez left WVU to become UM’s head coach after last season and a $4 million buyout clause in his contract became the center of a lawsuit.  Coach Rodriguez thought that verbal promises were made that made the clause invalid.  WVU thought otherwise and sued for the full value.

The settlement was that Rodriguez will pay his alma mater $1.5 million in 3 installments starting in 2010 and U of M will chip in $2.5 million as well as pay for Rodriguez’s legal costs.

So why did this settle?  Only the parties know, but here’s some speculation:

WVU hired Rodriguez assistant Bill Stewart who will essentially cost the Mountaineers nothing, as his contract will be funded for the next 5 years by the Rodriguez settlement.

Less than 5% of cases actually go to trial.  Mediation almost always helps pave the ground work for the settlement.  If you have a dispute you want settled, please contact me.

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